Piazza Network

Specify Which Companies You’re Interested In
Once you are opted in to the Piazza Network, you can choose which companies you’d like to hear from. First go to your Network dashboard by clicking the home...
Control Who Can See Your Network Profile
While on your Network profile page, click the lock icon at the top right corner. A dropdown will appear in which you can manage whether companies or other s...
Exclude a Company from Seeing Your Profile
To exclude a company from seeing your profile, go to your Network inbox: At the top right of a company message, click Manage who can contact me. Then ...
Upload Your Resume
1. Once you are in the Piazza Network, click on your profile on the left hand side: 2. Click on the Upload Resume in the center of the page: ...
Update Your Job Status
1. Once you are in the Piazza Network, click on your profile on the left hand side: 2. Click on Edit next to Headed to on the left hand side: ...